Wednesday, May 19, 2010

This was the church...

The day of the sabbath has arrived. People from every corner gathered in the synagogue. Clothing was considered their best. A sacrifice was required for atonement. A list of rules was established beyond what was stated in the Law. This was specifically engineered to usher in the coming of the Messiah because the thinking was that humanity must be perfect before the Messiah would arrive. Clearly they didn't listen to their prophets about the signs of the Messiah.

This is the church...

Sunday is here and its the only really practical day to have people come to church, although in many circles Wednesday night is also required. People drive from all over the county. Atonement isn't necessary because no one is honest about their sin. After all, if everyone is perfect, I better not be transparent. Biblical mandate has been perfected by personal preference. This is specifically engineered to not offend the older members of the church.

What's the difference? What happened to the message of Jesus in our "don't" Christian society? How many people are leaving or not coming because we are closed off? When will we stop asking people to measure up before they can receive grace?

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