Saturday, June 12, 2010

Let's make a deal...

I want us to sit down and come to an agreement. Its time that we quit our dumb Christian prayer cliches and its time that we talk to God with a genuine heart. Perhaps it isn't even the cliches that bother me, but maybe its the poor understanding of Scripture...

Heard this week:

"please save her God like you saved Jonah from the belly of a whale"

Um... well let me give you context: 16 year old girl decides to sail around the world solo. Sends distress call. Church member prays above prayer. (She did get saved by a french boat, whew). So why does this matter? Doesn't God want obedience more than sacrifice? Well yes, but these two situations are totally different... God provided a whale to Jonah after Jonah made the decision to disobey God.